Book Progress

This is my attempt (and pitiful attempt, i might add) to write a book... no, actually its more of an essay than anything, however, i will try to update it as i am writing it (this is not online, i am just placing it here so you can preview my thoughts before i begin to distribute it...) so bear with me. There will be many mistakes, and it will change CONSTANTLY. Everything will not stay as it is, as everything tends to change... life is volatile at best. Anyway, this isn't really part of the site, so I've set it aside as another link entirely. I have yet to create a title for this particular essay... but nevertheless, here it is as it stands...

It is always hard for one to begin when one does not know where to start, but then, why not start at the beginning? Considering I've already begun, I have already transcended beyond the point of starting, however, I have yet to actually transcribe exactly what topic I am going to discuss, therefore, technically, I have yet to have begun, but am simply introducing the fact that I am to begin as soon as the topic I wish to discuss is mentioned. There might also be some trickery involved, and the actual beginning has already begun, and I am simply creating a paradox for you of my own accord. With that aside... Let me begin.
CHAPTER 1: The Fault Dogma
There are a variety of topics I would like to discuss in this... essay of a sort. I will choose one a bit closer to home, so to speak, and that is of religion, something many claim their own. Bigotry runs rampant when religion is discussed, even mentioned, many can't leave their moral prejudices aside when trying to view from another perspective. "But there are no other perspectives" one might proclaim, "it is just a false perception, and the truth is distorted for that person!" Ah yes! That is the best argument of all my dear friends! To assume automatically that you are justified and correct to begin with, have you not questioned your faith or upbringing enough to know the PERHAPS your version of truth may not be the same for another individual? Why is it prevalent in our society, for those who claim to be in accordance of one faith, to not know in the slightest what their faith is? Why is it precalient in today's Christian society to shudder at the mention of one's being atheistic? Is it truly so inconceivable to not believe in the existence of an "Almighty Being." And why, is it that many individuals claim atheism or agnosticism in order to gain respect from other individuals, in order to claim their "individuality?" With my moral prejudices aside... Strike that, with all my opinion behind this statement, I believe most people in this day and age, have no true knowledge of what they believe. In American Culture, it is best to follow another, for the mere sake of not being cast aside by the general public. Everyone is dependent of others' views upon them, there is no true "individualism" anymore. Believe me, I am by no means a hypocrite with this statement, I am the product of many others' opinions. I HAVE to follow sometimes, merely to keep appearances if anything. My only true quarrel with this concept of the sheppard leading his sheep into the promised land (this statement is exclusively for any of the monotheistic religions) is that many of these people follow blindly. There has been no test that these individuals have placed on this religion, and are merely following on the account of others. Why do so many children claim their religion, yet never have had the interest to listen to the sermon of a priest of their faith, or have never picked up their holy book of morals? Why is it that many new, or not so new, Christian denominations have begun to entice new followers, specifically targeting children, by placing games and food instead of church and their holy dogma in front of them? Is it only a matter of evangelism; is that the point Christianity tries to make? I have no quarrel with the religion of Christianity, but to FORCE or vivaciously persuade people into their religion, THAT, my friends, I have a problem with. In retrospect, I have claimed Catholicism for the first 9 years of my life, and haven't, until NOW, at 16 years of age, trule realized what I placed my faith in. An amount of mind control comes with that kind of faith, it isn't even questioned. How many of you have been born into the faith you claim to practice? It is taken for granted, that kind of faith. I beg of you, don't even continue unless you have an actual idea of what you might believe in, I might question it.
CHAPTER 2: Reality as Perception
I realize I have been talking at great length of Christianity and the sort. I'm not sure what my point has been in starting this essay, I assume to begin with that many of the people who read this are knuckle-headed, but who am I of all people, to criticize? I don't truly know much more than you do, reader, and yes, I am clearly addressing you. Do you truly know the nature of your surroundings? Is there any truth to begin with? Can twice two truly be proved to make four? You must say "why yes, it is decidedly and undoubtedly true that twice two makes four, how could it be any other way?" I wrote the following nearly 6 months earlier, however, I feel it illustrates my point wondrously:
We cannot prove what we percieve because the only proof we can provide comes from our perception. If your perception is flawed from the start, it is impossible to prove anything, therefore what we want to believe might as well be real, as what we believe is the only thing we can be sure about.
Of Course, I have a knack at refuting my own arguments, here is the follow-up argument that refutes the previous:
If all perception is simply that; then perhaps there is nothing to percieve. If the only way "reality" can reach us is through our flawed perceptions, then perhaps there is no "reality" after all - and what is important is not to understand this "reality," but rather to understand why and how we could possibly think reality IS. People are very good not only at "perceiving reality," but also at making sure that "reality" is how they percieve.
It is probably best, for you, the reader, to come to your own conclusion about this particular subject, as there is no "truth" in any answer given, so the only conclusion can be blind faith. be continued