Current Book Review:

The Brother's Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky


Current Writings:

A Boy and his Sufferance

01.20.04 | Something compelled me again.

It's been a horrendously long time, now hasn't it. In all reality I don't think anyone has been to this site, considering i've told noone of it, but as i sat here, i remembered that once, i used to write things online. I wonder now, why did i stop? I must've thought it pointless. I remember now though, i felt like an idiot writing out things like this as if someone could understand the point of it all. However, i still intend to stay true to my first thought when creating this. It will all be purely educational. Remember this my friends, anything here is for your benefit in my mind. Good day, i think i'll begin updating daily.


08.03.03 | Fucking Nonsense...

I realized today... how dependent I am... but thats of no importance, maybe I shouldn't post my personal status quo on this site... Fuck that, I will. Everything in this world is a relationship, people to society, family has become a BENEFACTION. Is there true love between a family anymore? Is there true LOVE anymore? In the heat of passion for someone, many words are uttered... Love has become soiled countless times, and it has lost its vestility... Noone can just LIVE anymore, we must have the newest of new, we must attain the current modes of transportation, the current electronics, the current trends and fashions, in order to be COMPLACENT. Is that true happiness? Perhaps... Maybe i'm just the fuck up. Creatures of habit, THAT IS WHAT WE ARE. Must I embrace that fate as well? Will i go live in hermitage, out of spite for Americans and their silly trends? Maybe i will make that reality. In other news... I read this article, on how people can THINK themselves to death. This apparently works more in the elderly, if they tend to have a sad disposition in life, then they can decrease their life span by up to 8 years! I think i'll start now, that way i won't have to live in regret by living out a completely futile life... I wonder how many years are counted off for me, With any luck I'm out of this world by the age of 35... that would be a dream come true...


08.01.03 | America is, and always has been going straight the Hell.

Hmmm... the only true reason I say this sort of thing, is the fact that yet again... I have been reading too much news. Maybe thats the problem with America... the form of gossip they call news. The press, the media, all misconstrue everything, and lay the blame upon different people, all while keeping you devoted fans ENTERTAINED. But... really, who doesn't want to see the latest rape victim, as she's being raped again by the paparrazi? Or, who the latest sexual assault victim that Kobe Bryant has layed his hands upon... Is this news? Do I CARE? Come on, give me some real news, and at that, give me UNINHIBITED news, something with substance. I don't need the flashy details, or the gruesome images, i just want to know whats going on. I don't need the extra visual stimulation that goes along with all that shit. like other countries people would say... "You Fucking Americans..."

otherwise, maybe i'll do something tonight. Like update something. Maybe my lethargy will kick in. Maybe not. We will see.


07.29.03 | Holy Damnation....

Third update tonight, apparently my tendencies to be lethargic are not applicable tonight, considering this is the first night of my entirely new website... On to other things.... I updated most of the side links, a new essay on suicide, a new music section, a definitive tool review, my new story a boy and his sufferance, and the review of the Brother's Karamazov are done and completed (for now... until i add on to them later...) so be sure, if you are interested, to check those out.


07.29.03 | Eh... New Message...

It must have slipped my memory... If you have any interesting observations, or writing, or art to submit to me, so i can represent it on my site, by all means... do so. Most of the links have yet to have any content in them, but don't fret, i'll be working on this regularly, by September or so, there should be a wealth of things to look at here. Please, submit shit in, it would probably make the process faster, oh and tell me everything involved in the submission (such as your name, because i will credit you for the discovery or artistic creativity...) Otherwise, i've finished the review for Brother's Karamazov, you ought to check that out sometime... if you like to read anyway...


07.29.03 | Layout Beginnings

Ah, today is the day when everything will be conceived... Here that is. There is a lack of imagery that normally is attributed to the sites I've made in the past, but fuck the necessities... as if that were one. It only will captivate you until you find there is nothing to behold, but you will still marvel at the sublime. Carry on my dear... Carry on.
